How To Find Value in Life’s Many Challenges

"I'll be OK. I just have to remind myself that this is just another one of life's difficult gifts" - My best friend I fell in love with the expression 'difficult gifts' because it is a beautifully poetic way to describe challenging life experiences that will ultimately prove beneficial (even if you can't see or understand... Continue Reading →

Beating The Overwhelm: My ‘1-2-3’ Strategy

Can it really be as simple as 1-2-3?  Yes, my friend - it can. Since posting "The Mission and Why I Chose to Accept It", a few people have asked what strategies I use to deal with overwhelm when it sets in. Before running you through a grounding exercise that works wonders for me, I... Continue Reading →

The Mission and Why I Chose to Accept It

"When an idea thinks it has found somebody - say, you - who might be able to bring it into the world, the idea will pay you a visit"  -   Liz Gilbert, "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" I love this notion; that ideas and inspiration exist in their own right, separate from the limitations of... Continue Reading →

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